ESCO Financial Mobilization in Local Self-Government Units (FBiH and RS)

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As part of the Green Economic Development #GED project, funded by the Embassy of Sweden in Sarajevo and implemented by UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina with technical assistance from Plus Minus Engineering & Consulting and Enova, Consultants and Engineers, a workshop was organized to present the process of implementing a project to modernize the public lighting system through the engagement of private capital, using the ESCO financing model, to representatives of 8 selected local self-government units (LSUs). Workshop participants had the opportunity to learn about the activities carried out within this project, the necessary investments for the modernization of the public lighting system, the developed application and database for the public lighting system, experiences with already implemented energy service procurement projects, and received more information and answers on the implementation of energy service procurement (in accordance with the ESCO model).

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Plus Minus Engineering & Consulting Sarajevo

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