
Plus Minus d.o.o. strives to share its knowledge with professionals and the general public.
Our goal is to improve the general knowledge of professionals and the general public in cooperation with our business partners and through
independent organization of training. In this regard, training is planned through training in specific areas such as: financial modeling with
techno-economic optimization of solutions for energy and environmental projects, development of a project document for applying to financiers
for projects of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, introduction of ISO principles 50001 – Energy management system,
management of energy and environmental projects.

Employees of Plus Minus d.o.o. are professional instructors in the Program of professional training of persons
who perform energy audit and certification of facilities with simple and complex technical systems in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Plus Minus d.o.o. is an authorized legal entity by the Federal Ministry of Spatial Planning for conducting energy audits of buildings and energy certification of buildings with simple and complex technical systems (Decision no.:UPI/04-19-495/22).


Plus Minus Engineering & Consulting Sarajevo

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