Energy Efficiency Calculator

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Plus Minus Engineering & Consulting in cooperation with Teneo d.o.o. Sarajevo, represents the Energy Efficiency Calculator (EE) for beneficiaries of residential buildings – a project funded by the Environmental Protection Fund of the FBiH. EE Calculator is a socially useful and sustainable tool that enables end users to see the effects of investing in selected energy efficiency measures, i.e. to have an insight into savings in energy, money, and reducing CO2 emissions, which they achieve by implementing selected measures. 🏡 📲 You can download the energy efficiency calculator on the Android platform via the link: . A version for iOS users-Stay tuned is also expected soon! ⬅ #EEkalkulator #EnergijskaEfikasnost #obnovljiviizvorienergije #aplikacija #Android #iOS #PlusMinus #FzZOFBIH #Teneo

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Plus Minus Ltd. Consulting & Engineering Sarajevo